(approx. 30 minutes)
Air conditioning service
(approx. 60 minutes)
Air conditioning service
Complete disinfection
(approx. 90 minutes)
Air conditioning service
Complete disinfection
Car check
Price: 1 490 CZK
Price: 3,5 CZK / 1 g
Price: 7,5 CZK / 1 g
Price: 10 CZK / 1 g
Price: 500 CZK
Price: 400 CZK / 30 minut
Price: Individual
Price: 1 000 CZK
We only charge the difference between the extracted and supplied refrigerant.
All prices are final.
Payment by cash or card.
Vouchers and promotions cannot be combined.
We offer precise reservation system. Call us at +420 723 17 47 47 or write on
We can provide service for all types of vehicles and work machinery. We use the most modern technology for servicing and filling the air conditioner with R134a / R1234yf refrigerant.
We emphasize care, as part of every air conditioning service we perform deep disinfection with ozone to destroy bacteria and mold.
With loyalty card KLIMA EXPRESS you receive 500 CZK for every fifth service.
It includes full service.
Za Poříčskou bránou 334/4
18600 Praha 8 – Karlín
Nákupní centrum Eden
(parking -1, Po-Ne, 08-20:00)
U Slavie 1527
100 00 Praha 10 – Vršovice